A Research Study on the Pain of IC

If you do just one thing today for IC, I hope that you will participate in this very important IC research study! Dr. Dean Tripp (Queen’s University, Kingston ON Canada) is conducting one of the most intriguing studies that I’ve seen in years. In “How Pain and IC/BPS Symptoms Are Associated With Patient Quality of Life he is trying to understand more about the pain of IC, how it affects our mood, our level of hope and so forth. He also asks quite a few interesting questions about how patients view their lives with IC.

You can take the survey once or help them study how pain impacts our lives over a two month period. In that case, you’ll end up taking it after 4 weeks and 8 weeks too!

The study is short. It takes just 15 minutes to complete and has the potential of contributing very important data!

PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS! He’s looking for 1500 participants to make this survey meaningful!

You can participate at the link below!


Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for participation in this study:

  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • You are fluent in English (the survey will only be available in English)
  • You have received a diagnosis of IC/BPS from a health care practitioner (urologist/physician)

You are not eligible for participation in this study if any of the following medical conditions apply to you:

  • You are currently suffering from an on-going symptomatic urethral stricture or an on-going neurological disease or disorder affecting the bladder or bowel fistula
    You have a history of cystitis caused by tuberculosis, radiation therapy, or cytoxan/cyclophosphamide therapy
  • You have undergone augmentation cystoplasty or cystectomy
  • You have a history of cancer (with the exception of skin cancer)
  • You are currently suffering from a major psychiatric disorder (e.g. psychosis) or medical condition that would interfere with your study participation (e.g. severe cardiac, pulmonary, renal, or hepatic disease)