ICN Contact Information
Every day we receive calls from IC patients looking for information, new resources and, in many cases, just hope. They just want to know that there is an explanation for their pain and discomfort. They want to know that there are treatments. Most of all, they just need home! That’s why we’re here!
Our Contact Information
Interstitial Cystitis Network
PO Box 2159
Healdsburg, CA 95448 USA
Toll Free Phone: (800)928-7496
FAX: (707)538-9444
Skype: “ic network staff” (must be scheduled in advance)
Our office hours are from 10am to 5PM PST. Please note that we are OFTEN on the phone working with IC’ers. If you get our answering service, please leave a message and we’ll call you back as quickly as we can.
Send Us An Email!
We get MANY MANY emails a day and it can be very hard to return them all. The best and quickest way to reach us is by phone. Please use this contact form below to send us an email!