Our Corporate Sponsors & Advertisers
The success of the IC Network is due largely to the support of the sponsors who have a strong interest in interstitial cystitis, overactive bladder and/or pelvic pain disorders, including: (1) research centers, universities and clinical trial companies, (2) pharmaceutical companies, (3) medical device companies, (4) food supplement manufacturers, (5) various health products and (6) food industry. With your sponsorship, you are providing essential support to the most recognized and recommended educational website dedicated to IC/BPS. In twenty three years, our quality continues to lead the industry.
Our Recognitions & Awards
Peer Reviewed Research Studies
2013 – The ICN received the top rating of all IC websites for accuracy, credibility and readability in a study conducted by the University of London (UK). The study encouraged physicians to recommend the IC Network first to patients seeking education and support.*Turlapur SA, et al. Quality of information on the internet related to bladder pain syndrome: a systematic review of the evidence Int Urogynecol J Published Online April 2013
- 2011 – Researchers at Harvard University Medical School (Urology Dept) rated Medscape and the IC Network as the top two on the web!*Routh J, et al. Does a Controversial Topic Affect the Quality of Urologic Information on the Internet? Urology. 2011 Sep 24.
Our Current Sponsors
- DSE HealthCare Solutions – Prelief®
- Beaumont Hospital – Urology Research & Clinical Care
- Johnson & Becker
- Microgen Diagnostics
Educational grants or advertiser fees from third-party sponsors at the IC Network and our affiliated web sites do not imply an endorsement or promotion of the sponsor, nor its content, products, or services. The IC Network does NOT endorse products and/or services. The IC Network clearly identifies third-party sponsors throughout the site.
Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
Founded in 1995, the Interstitial Cystitis Network is a woman owned,”social advocacy” health education company dedicated to interstitial cystitis and other pelvic pain disorders. Using the internet, we create innovative solutions to the pressing problems facing patients diagnosed with urologic conditions, medical care providers who care for them and the research community seeking new treatments and cures. For the past 18 years, we have provided critical 24/7 support to patients in need, developed new educational materials, conducted vital research, provided webinars/lectures and created IC awareness campaigns, all at NO COST to the patients who visit our website.
Our Services
- Patient Live Events & Streaming
- Patient Educational Materials – Creation, Editing, Distribution
- Provider Educational Materials – MD’s, Nurses, Nutritionists and PT’s
- Clinical Trial Recruitment Campaigns – Domestic and International
- Research Study Recruitment Campaigns – Domestic and International
- Clinical Lectures, Patient Q&A’s, Clinic Advertisements
- Pharmaceutical Educational Campaigns – Print, Radio, YouTube, TV
- Survey Services – Design, Distribution & Real Time Data Analysis
- Traditional & Alternative Therapies – Content, Lectures and Promotions
- Medical Devices – Content, Lectures and Promotions (i.e. neurostimulation, catheters, etc.)
Sponsorship Types & Policies
(1) Corporate Sponsors
These third-party sponsors provide educational grants or advertiser fees to the IC Network for the purpose of supporting the overall development and expansion of the site. Their names/logos may appear on various pages of the website and/or newsletters in an area separate from health content.
(2) Health Content Sponsors
These third-party sponsors also provide educational grants or advertiser fees to the IC Network for the purpose of supporting the development of a specific content area at the IC Network or an affiliated website. The ICN retains full editorial control over these content areas. Names/logos/links for these sponsors are placed separate from the health content. The links provided to these sites in no way implies an endorsement of the company/organization nor its content, products, therapeutic treatment options, or services. When you leave the IC Network site to visit these sponsor sites, the IC Network retains no control over the policies and practices of these sites, nor can the ICN be responsible for their policies and practices. Exclusivity is not offered to sponsors within content areas. Regardless of whether a content area has none, one or multiple sponsors, information provided to the consumer is presented in a comprehensive and unbiased fashion.
(3) Other
The ICN offers third-party sponsors the opportunity to support other programs and activities at the IC Network. These include, but are not limited to: blast e-mails to our membership, special newsletters, consumer outreach programs, support chats, moderated discussions, surveys, special events, continuing medical education and more. In these instances, the IC Network clearly identifies the third-party sponsor (keeping its name/logo separate from content), and retains full editorial control over content.
(4) Health Information Developed and Sponsored by Third Party
If the IC Network posts information at its site that has been developed and sponsored by a third party, the health information sponsor will be clearly identified for the consumer.
Limitations & Responsibilities of Third-Party Sponsors
- The IC Network will not accept revenues/educational grants from third parties whose mission and goals are inconsistent with our own.
- The IC Network does not accept revenues/educational grants from sponsors whose advertising and promotional strategies are based on false or misleading claims.
- It is the advertiser’s responsibility to comply with all domestic and foreign laws and regulations applicable to its advertising within the ICN (and to include all legally required legends, disclosures and statements in such advertising), including without limitation the current FDA guidelines for Direct to Physician (DTP) and Direct to Consumer (DTC) advertising. The ICN will not monitor compliance with such laws and regulations. However, the ICN reserves the right to review all advertising for compliance with applicable laws and regulations and, if the ICN becomes aware of any breach or potential breach of any applicable law or regulation or of these guidelines, the ICN may remove the advertising from the IC Network.
- The IC Network does not accept revenue/educational grants from companies directly involved with tobacco, alcohol, firearms and pornography.
- The IC Network does not allow third-party sponsors to place cookies in their names/logos at the IC Network or affiliated websites.
- The IC Network reserves the right to update this policy from time to time. All revisions will be posted at this site. Questions regarding this policy should be directed by email to jill@ic-network.com.
If your company is interested in learning more about corporate sponsorship or wish to schedule a Direct E-Blast or advertise in our newsletter, please contact:
Jill Osborne, CEO
J.H. Osborne, Inc.
PO Box 2159
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Telephone: (707)538-9442
Fax (707)538-9444
email: Jill@ic-network.com