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About Jill Osborne

My Google Profile+ Jill Heidi Osborne is the president and founder of the Interstitial Cystitis Network, a health education company dedicated to interstitial cystitis, bladder pain syndrome and other pelvic pain disorders. As the editor and lead author of the ICN and the IC Optimist magazine, Jill is proud of the academic recognition that her website has achieved. The University of London rated the ICN as the top IC website for accuracy, credibility, readability and quality. (Int Urogynecol J - April 2013). Harvard Medical School rated both Medscape and the ICN as the top two websites dedicated to IC. (Urology - Sept 11). For many years, Jill served on the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Panel (US Army) where she collaborated with researchers to evaluate new IC research studies for possible funding. Jill has conducted and/or collaborates on a variety of IC research studies on new therapeutics, pain care, sexuality, the use of medical marijuana, menopause and the cost of treatments, shining a light on issues that influence patient quality of life. An IC support group leader and national spokesperson for the past 20 years, she has represented the IC community on radio, TV shows, at medical conferences. She has written hundreds of articles on IC and its related conditions. Jill has a Bachelors Degree in Pharmacology and a Masters in Psychology, Jill was named Presidential Management Intern (aka Fellowship) while in graduate school. (She was unable to earn her PhD due to the onset of her IC.) She spends the majority of her time providing WELLNESS COACHING for patients in need and developing new, internet based educational and support tools for IC patients, including new live IC Support Group Meetings via Youtube and the “Living with IC” video series. Jill was diagnosed with IC at the age of 32 but first showed symptoms at the age of 12.

Question of the Day – Why am I diet sensitive if my pelvic floor muscles are the problem?

We get this question every week. If you've had symptoms for years and bladder therapies aren't working and you are still struggling with flares, it's time to look beyond the bladder and specifically to the pelvic floor muscles. Did you suffer an injury before your symptoms began? Were you an athlete?? Did you ride [...]

By |2024-01-23T14:20:46-08:00January 20th, 2024|IC Diet Project, Our Blog|Comments Off on Question of the Day – Why am I diet sensitive if my pelvic floor muscles are the problem?

Saturday Morning Pancakes For The Win

Frosty Saturday mornings beckon for the quintessential breakfast food – pancakes. Hot buttery goodness covered with your choice of syrup, fruit, powdered sugar or, for many, folded and eaten by hand. For the acid sensitive patient, pancakes are a great way to start your day. Quick & Easy Pancakes You can certainly make your [...]

By |2024-01-13T07:09:30-08:00January 13th, 2024|Diet & Food, IC Diet Project, Our Blog|Comments Off on Saturday Morning Pancakes For The Win

How To Stop A Diet Induced Flare – An Essential Holiday Survival Tip

You couldn’t resist. You had been so good. You avoided the cranberry sauce. Said no to the wine. You ate really well until dessert arrived. Grandma's irresistable chocolate cake started calling your name and wouldn't let go. Wanting to show her that you appreciated her cake (right?), you indulged and enjoyed every bite. Hours [...]

By |2023-11-24T10:14:29-08:00November 23rd, 2023|Diet & Food, Holiday, Our Blog|Comments Off on How To Stop A Diet Induced Flare – An Essential Holiday Survival Tip

Just Released! Fall 2023 IC Optimist Magazine – Information To Help You Thrive & Heal!

We are delighted to announce that the Fall 2023 IC Optimist has been released and is now available. The IC Optimist is the IC Network’s patient magazine and is read by thousands of patients and providers around the world. Our goal is to give you information that you can use immediately to improve your medical [...]

By |2023-11-16T22:16:18-08:00November 16th, 2023|Front Page Feed, Our Blog|Comments Off on Just Released! Fall 2023 IC Optimist Magazine – Information To Help You Thrive & Heal!

Can Mold Toxicity Cause IC & Urinary Symptoms? Yes!

(Editor’s Note: This article was originally inspired by an IC patient who called our office in 2020 and shared that her symptoms were apparently caused by hidden black mold in her home. When the mold was eventually eradicated, her symptoms dramatically improved. In October 2023, we had yet another patient call our office who was [...]

By |2023-10-27T14:07:14-07:00October 27th, 2023|Front Page Feed, Our Blog, Toxic Exposures|Comments Off on Can Mold Toxicity Cause IC & Urinary Symptoms? Yes!

The Perfect Halloween Treat – Pumpkin Drop Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

It's ten days before Halloween and time to get into the ghosty spirit. These pumpkin drop cookies make for a great snack while decorating pumpkins with your kiddos.  Topped with cream cheese frosting, they are also a perfect accompaniment to your favorite warm fall drink! A steamy cup of Dandy Blend herbal coffee, Pumpkin Spice [...]

By |2023-10-20T17:09:42-07:00October 20th, 2023|Diet & Food, IC Diet Project|Comments Off on The Perfect Halloween Treat – Pumpkin Drop Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

Creating an IC Friendly Thanksgiving

If this is your first holiday season with a diagnosis of IC, we've assembled some resources that we hope will help you enjoy the season, including new videos, articles, meal tips and many IC friendly recipes to play with. Surviving a holiday like Thanksgiving is all about pacing yourself, communicating clearly with your family [...]

By |2023-11-24T10:16:24-08:00September 16th, 2023|Diet & Food, Holiday, Our Blog, Self Care, Self-Help Tips for IC, Bladder & Pelvic Pain|Comments Off on Creating an IC Friendly Thanksgiving

Kicking Off IC Awareness Month – Official Press Release

IC Awareness Month begins this week and we always start with a press release that YOU can share and send to your local newspaper and media outlets to help us raise awareness for this condition. As we have been anticipating for the past few years, the new AUA Guidelines no longer consider IC a [...]

By |2023-10-26T12:41:13-07:00August 31st, 2023|Awareness|Comments Off on Kicking Off IC Awareness Month – Official Press Release

New Book Released – The Unfettered Urologist by Dr. Martha Boone

Interstitial cystitis patients in New Orleans & Atlanta certainly remember Dr. Martha Boone, who provided exemplary care for many years at Tulane University and in private practice. After her retirement in 2020, she felt that she hadn't quite finished her job as a urologist. Patients and colleagues continued to call her because their needs [...]

By |2023-08-29T18:05:25-07:00August 29th, 2023|Front Page Feed, Our Blog|Comments Off on New Book Released – The Unfettered Urologist by Dr. Martha Boone

Just Released! Our latest IC Optimist Magazine – Information To Help You Thrive & Heal!

We are delighted to announce that the Spring/Summer 2023 IC Optimist has been released and is now available. The IC Optimist is the IC Network’s patient magazine and is read by thousands of patients and providers around the world. Our goal is to give you information that you can use immediately to improve your medical [...]

By |2023-08-11T12:50:14-07:00August 11th, 2023|Front Page Feed, Our Blog|Comments Off on Just Released! Our latest IC Optimist Magazine – Information To Help You Thrive & Heal!
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