OAB Information Center

Jill Osborne

Jill Osborne MA – ICN Founder

Overactive Bladder (OAB) affects millions of men and women throughout the world with sudden, unexpected moments of “urgency.” Some patients struggle with incontinence while others have to urinate so frequently that work and sleep are disrupted. The good news is that with diet modification to reduce irritating foods (i.e. such as caffeine) and treatments, symptoms can be managed and, in many cases, improved.

The most successful patients are those who are active, informed and involved. Our goal is to educate and empower you with the latest information and resources. Our site will help you understand what OAB is, how to work with your medical team, the many treatment options available and, perhaps most importantly, those critical and easy self-help strategies that can done at home each day to reduce symptoms. We’ve built a large self-help area on this website because it works. In fact, the American Urology Association (AUA) specifically encourages patients to explore the many self-help strategies available in Step 1 of their OAB Treatment Guidelines

As a support group leader, I’ve noticed that the patients who often struggle are passive. They have no idea what treatments they’ve tried. They refuse to follow the diet, thus causing daily bladder irritation. They’ve never read a book about OAB. They don’t track their treatments. They often live in a world of denial. You DO have the power to make change and promote healing of your bladder. Please take a few minutes to read through these materials. Even if you’ve had bladder symptoms for several years, new therapies are now available! By the end, you may be more informed than your medical care team and that’s not a bad thing! – Jill Osborne, MA – ICN President & Founder – Revised: November 11, 2013
