IC Awareness Daily Fact 4

The role of the pelvic floor muscles in bladder and/or pelvic pain is often underestimated. Urologists have found pelvic floor muscles “as tight as rubber bands” when examining interstitial cystitis patients. Patients with pelvic floor dysfunction may have difficulty starting their urine stream or feel as if something is falling out of them. Vaginal burning is a common symptom. Many IC clinics around the country now have physical therapists on staff to provide “hands on” therapy with excellent results.


Suggested Reading:

  • ICN’s Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Info Center
  • The Pelvic Floor Muscles – You have a lot of muscles “down there!”
  • PFD Symptoms
  • How is PFD Diagnosed? – Pelvic floor assessment should not be feared!
  • How is PFD Treated? – Hands on physical therapy, self-care, medications, acupuncture, yoga
  • Heal Pelvic Pain: The Proven Stretching, Strengthening and Nutrition Program for Relieving Pain, Incontinence, I.B.S. and other Symptoms without Surgery offers readers relief and recovery for pelvic floor disorders through a program of strengthening, stretching and relaxation exercises, massage techniques, nutritional basics, and self-care therapies —without drugs or surgery.
  • Ending Female Pain: A Woman’s Manual by Isa Herrera, MSPT is a ground breaking book for women with pelvic and sexual pain, containing dozens of easy, helpful exercises and tips that offers hope for patients with pelvic floor problems, vulvodynia, IC, etc. etc. This book gives you vital, easy and effective stretches, exercises and tips to help you take control and manage your pelvic pain symptoms.
  • Ending Male Pain: A Man’s Guide by Isa Herrera, MSPT shares her excellent pelvic floor rehabilitation program for men struggling with pelvic, gential and sexual pain. Like her book for women, it contains dozens of easy, helpful exercises, massage techniques and self-care therapies without drugs or surgery.