My IC started when I was 19 years old and I am now 42. I went to many urologists and doctors complaining of a UTI but I did not have one. They all told me it was in my head. It went into remission for about 8 years and came back full throttle. I had every symptom imaginable. I revisited many urologists who dilated my ureathea (so very painful and can later result in incontinence in women) as well as antibiotics and shaking their heads not knowing what to do for me. I was finally recommended to go to specialists at Cleveland Clinic in Weston Florida, Dr. Davila & Dr. Neimark who specialized in urogynocology. I had undergone a cystoscopy under anesthesia to determine what was going on. Finally an answer, IC. I was relieved to know I was not going crazy, as some doctors in the past had told me to take up a hobby as it was all in my head.
I started out with hydrodistentions about (4 to 5) which helped me for about 6 months as well as meds (Elmiron, neurontin, antidepressants) and a low-oxalate diet. I had very caring doctors who carefully monitored my progress. As I still had terrible pain and burning (the burning unbearable all day long) I had a partial vulvectomy. It worked; no more burning. I was very thrilled. Then I had a partial hysterectomy to remove a large fibroid which was attributing to my pain. After all was said and done, I still had the pain, day in day out. I was then referred to a Urologist at the Clinic, Dr. Ghoneim who did a procedure called Interstim which I was told had a 50-50% chance of helping me and was reversible if it did not work. After much deliberation I figured this was my last option, why not and in the back of my head I was convinced it would not work.
To make a long story short, it worked. I was amazed, for the first time in so many years I did not have any bladder pain, urgency, frequency or pressure in my bladder. It was a 2 step surgery within 10 days of each other and both out-patient procedures with recovery time very, very minimal. I am off all my meds now and doing great. I was at the end of my rope and and there was hope waiting for me…