We deliver the latest IC News directly to you in several ways
The ICN has provided the latest news and events on IC through the web for the more than 20 years!
The IC Optimist Magazine
The flagship publication of the IC Network, the IC Optimist is our patient and clinician magazine delivered four times a year to our paid members! Each magazine is crafted with the patient in mind, featuring educational feature stories, the latest research, new clinical trials seeking participants, encouraging self-help strategies, new recipes and meal ideas for the IC diet and so much more! Click here for more info
Our Free Monthly E-Newsletter
Sign up today to receive the ICN’s free E-Newsletter (Ezine), the oldest and most widely distributed electronic IC newsletter on the web today. Created in 1997, it is written for both IC patients and careproviders and offers breaking IC news stories, the latest IC research, consumer safety alerts, IC event calendar, IC conference schedule, clinical trial announcements, CME’s for medical care providers, self-help tips and and much more! It offers quick peek at the latest IC info! Click here to sign up
The ICN Blog – AKA The IC Underground
Each month we offer a new series of articles and blogs discussing the latest research, relevant feature stories and, of course, new recipes that will help you enjoy food despite the limitations of an IC diet. Written by some of the best writers in the IC movement, you’ll have the chance to read thought provoking articles, editorials, research debates, doctor opinions and much more! Read the ICN Blog Here!
IC Awareness Month
The IC Network is proud of our role in developing and managing the annual IC Awareness Month campaign during the month of September. Each year, a new theme is developed that provides topic insight into the lives of IC patients. From the agonies of the opioid epidemic and patients who are being forced off of medication despite no signs of misuse or addiction to the role of discrimination that occurs in a variety of ways, IC Awareness Month is meant to be a powerful and sometimes political statement. Visit our IC Awareness Month website!
Media Kit
If you represent the media and would like to do a story on interstitial cystitis, bladder pain syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, we would certainly like to help you. The ICN has been featured in national magazines, TV shows, radio and documentaries. We are happy to offer interviews, research sessions and can set up expert interviews for you! Just ask. We’re here to help spread the word that IC is real, treatable and that patients deserve kindness, compassion and support. View our Media Kit!