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ICNLesa's Pregnancy
> First Trimester Pregnancy & IC Diary -First Trimester - to week 13
Week 3- (Age of Fetus, 1 week) Aaaahhh! First week of life! The baby is only a group of cells at this point...growing and multiplying like crazy! I did not know, or suspect, I was pregnant. Pregnancy Symptoms: None! IC Symptoms: No change in my typical IC symptoms this week. I did have a flare-up of pain and burning after moving some furniture. I assumed it was my bladder telling me to "slow down", so I did! I grabbed a heating pad and some Pyridium and by the next day I felt better. Note: Pyridium should be avoided during pregnancy. Emotions this Week: Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary. Additional Thoughts: Taking Bentyl for Irritable Bowel Syndrome; not on any other meds or treatments "For this child I prayed and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him" 1 Samuel 1:27
Week 5 - (Age of Fetus, 3 weeks) Baby has grown very little and is now only about 1.25mm in length. I am suffering with slight menstrual cramps this week and am feeling tired. Anticipated my period to start last week but other than slight spotting, it hasn't shown up. Must be stress of home remodeling! Pregnancy Symptoms: Tender breasts IC Symptoms: Feeling some added pain and pressure consistent with my 'IC-Menstrual flares'. Although I'm 'feeling' like my period will start, I avoided taking Pyridium or any pain meds this week (just in case). Emotions this Week: Crabby this week. Frustrated that my period isn't starting. Additional Thoughts: Stopped taking Bentyl mid-week (just in case). Week 6 - (Age of Fetus, 4 weeks) Baby's crown-to-rump length is 2 to 4mm and it has a head, tail and heart bulge! I strongly suspected pregnancy this week. Purchased on over-the-counter test which indicated positive right away. Suffered with cramping, spotting and slight clotting. Pregnancy Symptoms: Tender breasts, constipation IC Symptoms: IC symptoms returned to 'normal'. Nothing out of the ordinary. Emotions this Week: Worry! Couldn't wait to see doctor! Additional Thoughts: Cramping, spotting and clotting not always good signs in early pregnancy and I was terribly worried waiting for 1st doctor appointment. Was able to get appointment quickly and because of clotting, had an ultrasound. I heard a heartbeat!!!! What a beautiful sound!!! Baby length is 5.6mm. Everything seems to be okay so far but will return for second ultrasound in a week. Note: Very few women have the opportunity to hear the heartbeat so soon. Ultrasounds aren't normally done until mid-pregnancy. "Welcome little one!" Week 7 - (Age of Fetus, 5 weeks) Incredible baby growth spurt this week! By the end of Week 7 the baby has more than doubled in size! Developing leg buds, arm buds, eyes, nostrils, intestines! Things sure do move along quickly! Pregnancy Symptoms: Tender breasts, constipation (using Metamucil), slight nausea, urinary frequency, bloating, exhaustion. No more spotting but still feeling occasional cramping. IC Symptoms: Frequency has increased. One evening this week I had increased pressure and burning. Something I ate? Used heating pad on low to help relieve symptoms. Emotions this Week: Rollercoaster!! Thrilled that baby is okay; crabby and frustrated easily; Terrified about being pregnant with IC. Woke up one night with tremendous panic about it. Additional Thoughts: Fears & Questions: 1) What if I get a urinary tract infection while pregnant??? 2) What if my IC symptoms become unbearable without medication??? 3) What if IC & pregnancy symptoms force me to quit my job??? 4) Am I depriving my baby of important vitamins by not being able to eat fruit?? "Ready or not, here I grow!!" Week 8 - (Age of Fetus, 6 weeks) At 8 weeks my little Bebe` is the about the size of a pinto bean and is developing little ears, a nose and eyelids! Our second ultrasound showed things moving along as they should! Still suffering from some cramping and although my doc assures me it's okay, I still can't help but worry just a bit! I'm already swelling up with love for this little person! Pregnancy Symptoms: Tender breasts, constipation (using Metamucil), slight nausea, urinary frequency, bloating, exhaustion. No more spotting but still feeling occasional cramping. IC Symptoms: Frequency has increased. With IC I wasn't sure I would notice extra bathroom trips but I do! I'm getting up a few more times at night. I am not experiencing any of the IC burning or pressure though. Just frequency. Emotions this Week: Feeling a bit more settled but still emotional. I sobbed like crazy watching a sad movie on TV. I'm generally not a movie 'sniffler' either! *grins* Additional Thoughts:I've decided to keep a list of all my questions for the doctor. So many of them occur to me in the middle of the night and I don't want to forget!! "She/He will fill our lives with sunshine.....And our hearts with love."
Week 9 - (Age of Fetus, 7 weeks) At nine weeks, the baby is 0.9 - 1.2 inches but I'm not showing any belly yet! My next OB appointment isn't for another week so I'm sending the little one lots of mommy love and waiting patiently for more reassurance. Boy! This first trimester is nerve racking! Pregnancy Symptoms: Tender breasts (getting better though), slight nausea, urinary frequency, bloating, exhaustion. No more spotting but still feeling occasional cramping. IC Symptoms: I had a couple of tough IC days this week. Pressure, urgency and burning with the frequency. I don't remember eating or doing anything that might cause this flare up. Could just be one of those mystery flares. The doc okay'ed me to use the heating pad on low. I'm remaining med-free. Emotions this Week: Feeling more and more confident as time goes on. Can't wait for my next appointment! Additional Thoughts: Considering taking a prenatal yoga class if it's okay with my doc. I also received my first baby donation today!!! A hand-me-down mobile crib! This is becoming more and more real to me! "A baby is teddy bears, rattles, power and pins, meals" Week 10 - (Age of Fetus, 8 weeks) Pregnancy Symptoms: Slightly tender breasts, urinary frequency, bloating, exhaustion, maybe the start of a little baby belly? Definitely an increase in my chest size! IC Symptoms: IC symptoms flared again for a day this week but I'm learning to rest much more quickly. My symptoms have been tough but not too much to handle. I can do this! Emotions this Week: Getting more and more excited and thinking more and more about a new baby. I'm not near as worried as I was. Additional Thoughts: I bought a maternity outfit this week mostly to help reduce the tightness on my bladder. These clothes are so comfortable I may find myself wearing them on flare days even AFTER the baby has arrived! Week 11 - (Age of Fetus, 9 weeks) Nearing the end of the first trimester! The baby is 1.75 to 2.4 inches crown-to-rump length which should double in the next 3 weeks!Pregnancy Symptoms: Slightly tender breasts, urinary frequency, bloating, exhaustion. IC Symptoms: Had an IBS & IC flare up this week too. I think it was food related.Emotions this Week:Very happy to be nearing the end of my first trimester. Additional Thoughts: I've decided to rent a baby heartbeat dopplar for home. It's a hand-held device like the doctor used and it allows us to listen to that wonderful swish-swish whenever we want! "If you want to embrace all that is good in the world, hug your child." Week 12 - (Age of Fetus, 10 weeks) I can feel my belly stretching and pulling to make room for this little one. I'm not 'showing' to everyone around me just yet but I can sure tell the difference (and so can hubby)! I can't bend at the waist as easily and slouching in a chair is uncomfortable. Maybe being pregnant will improve my posture? :O)Pregnancy Symptoms: My urinary frequency and exhaustion are letting up this week. Biggest pregnancy symptom is cramping/stretching of my uterus. IC Symptoms: I suffered with some IC burning and urgency a couple of times this week. I can't trace it to anything specific. It's tough since IC meds are out of the question and I have to wait for relief to come on it's own. NOT too much to handle though. Emotions this Week: Feeling more confident that things are going well and getting a little excited. Additional Thoughts: I changed hospitals and doctors this month. My biggest reason for doing this is to have my caregivers closer and more accessible should problems come up....mostly, IC problems. Urinary tract infections and some IC flares can make it impossible for me to drive very far for medical attention. It may seem like a strange reason for some, but for an IC''s important!! "I wish I could hug and kiss you already! You are so loved, little one!!" Week 13 - (Age of Fetus, 11 weeks) Okay...I'll be honest...My IC is driving me crazy this week! It's more emotionally trying than physically, I think. I find myself starting to feel pretty rough and immediately beginning to panic, waiting for the worst. What I need is an IC/pregnancy/emotional strain game plan here! I'll think on it as I write some more.Pregnancy Symptoms: I had some nausea this week. Hubby and I had to make a quick exit out of a store before our shopping was done. I guess I'll still keep a baggie of crackers at hand!! Biggest pregnancy symptom is cramping/stretching of my uterus. IC Symptoms: Ouch! Bladder & urethral burning is pretty tough this week. Pain is coming and going. It isn't comfortable going 'potty' but holding it is so much worse. Constant water sipping is helping though. Emotions this Week: Emotionally up and down all week. Worried about my IC mostly...and since it's been a few weeks since I've seen the doctor, anxious to hear our little angel is doing well. Additional Thoughts: Help the IC Mommy Game Plan: 1) I'm going to talk with my new OB this week about my IC worries and symptoms. I want to remain as med-free as possible but I think I'll feel better knowing that if all else fails, I can get some help from somewhere. 2) Brush up on relaxation strategies. I need it! 3) Call an IC Buddy for support! 4) Do some fun baby things (eg. choose a nursery theme, listen to the heartbeat, buy the baby a little gift). "You've never felt true love until you look into the eyes of a child." |