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ICNLesa's Pregnancy Journal
> Second Trimester Pregnancy & IC Diary -Second Trimester - to week 26 |
Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, bloating, HUNGER!, nausea off and on. IC Symptoms: My IC flare from last week has died down and I'm feeling much better. I always have steady symptoms of urgency, frequency and burning but they're at my normal and very manageable level. Emotions this Week: Much more 'steady' this week. I'm enjoying reading my baby books, listening to the heartbeat and thinking about the nursery. Additional Thoughts: I found a photo of a 14 week baby in the womb which is really great! Ultrasounds can be so fuzzy and hard to see so this gives me a better idea of where we are. I'm amazed at how much our little one has developed already and I can't wait to feel baby's first movements!!!
Week 15 - (Age of Fetus, 13 weeks) My book tells me that the baby is 4 - 4 1/2" long now. I can hold out my hand and imagine cradling him/her in my palm. What a miracle child this is!!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, bloating, HUNGER!, constipation, fatigue. IC Symptoms: I am experiencing my usual urethral burning and discomfort and some bladder pressure. It's not any worse than usual but it can be really frustrating. When my pregnancy symptoms are less and I feel like I could do more, my bladder keeps me at bay. Emotions this Week: A little worried about our little one's development and hoping that everything is going well. Irritated with my IC and wishing I could experience such a special thing without bladder symptoms! Excited about my upcoming ultrasound (at 19 weeks). Additional Thoughts: I bought a wonderful book this week titled 'A Child is Born' by Lennart Nilsson and Lars Hamberger, MD. It has amazing photos from inside the womb and of delivery. I find that by following our baby's development more closely, I spend less time thinking about my bladder!
Week 16 - (Age of Fetus, 14 weeks) Four months!!!!!!!!!
Emotions this Week: Better! My IC and pregnancy symptoms are the same but I'm 'rolling with the punches' better this week. These pregnancy hormones have my emotions all over the place! Additional Thoughts: Our hospital wants me to fill out a birth plan and submit it before delivery. This is where the parents can express their preferences about the delivery (pain meds, no pain meds, who will attend the delivery, etc.). I've been thinking about this carefully since I want to be sure to cover any IC issues that might come up. I might want to include a 'no juice for Mom' note....or 'use a urinary catheter only when necessary'....or 'be able to move around and use the restroom freely during labor'. Although my OB is familiar with my IC, I'm going to complete this form with the assumption that my other caregivers will not necessarily be aware of it. I think I need to chat more with my OB before I fill this out but I will definitely share my final birth plan with you when I'm finished! (18 weeks) "A baby is cuddles and tickles on toes, the sweet scent of powder, a kiss on the nose!"
Week 17 - (Age of Fetus, 15 weeks) No feelings of movement yet but I'm paying attention!! Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, bloating, constipation, fatigue, 'growing pains'.IC Symptoms:Some IC burning and pain...barely noticeable this week! I am remaining med-free too.Emotions this Week:I feel really good! My IC has given me a break and I feel like I can accomplish something other than sleeping!Additional Thoughts: THE BABY Where did
you come from, baby dear? ~George MacDonald (1871)
Week 18 - (Age of Fetus, 16 weeks) I'm barely feeling little 'thumps' in my belly this week. Trying to distinguish movement through bladder pain is tough but I'm sure that's what I'm feeling!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, bloating, constipation, fatigue, 'growing pains'. IC Symptoms: My IC is giving me a hard time lately. I'm noticing that I'm more sensitive to foods this week so I'm doing my best to stick to the IC diet. My symptoms in general have increased and my pain gets worse as the day goes on but if I go home and rest, I improve. Emotions this Week: Up and down this week. The worse my bladder symptoms are, the harder it is for me not to feel overwhelmed. I'm juggling full time work, IC, IBS and pregnancy and it can be tough. Never for a moment do I regret being pregnant but I admit, I can't always manage everything. There are days when I'm extremely grateful that I CAN still work, other days I wish I had no responsibilities other than taking care of myself and our new baby. Additional Thoughts: I have my mid-pregnancy ultrasound next week and I can't wait. Since I have chronic (and somewhat strong) bladder and pelvic pain, my doctor is concerned I might not notice other important pains like early labor. This ultrasound will tell us how things are going and if any of my pain is 'outside' of my norm. Hubby and I are both excited and anxious about seeing our little one. Sending
support and understanding to all IC-Mommies-To-Be.
Week 19 - (Age of Fetus, 17 weeks) It's a girl!!! My ultrasound went well and everything looked good. Our little girl is just the right size for 19 weeks and was moving around like crazy. Hubby and I have never seen anything so amazing and we found ourselves grinning like fools all the way home!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, bloating, constipation, fatigue, 'growing pains', KICKS! IC Symptoms: My IC has improved slightly since last week but is still worse than normal. I took a couple of Tylenol to try and take the edge off. It didn't make a big difference but I felt better knowing I COULD take it if I had to. Emotions this Week: I'm absolutely elated about our ultrasound. Nothing can bring me down!! *big grins* Additional Thoughts: I headed out to do some baby shopping this weekend and found the cutest frame for ultrasound photos. I bought two so I could have one for my desk at work. I also found a baby book that includes some pregnancy pages for notes and experiences (yeah!) and I bought our little girl her very first outfit.'s more of a fancy potato sack than an outfit but that's what newborns wear!
Week 20 - (Age of Fetus, 18 weeks) Half way there!!!!!!!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, bloating, constipation, fatigue, 'growing pains', KICKS !IC Symptoms: My IC has been better. I am feeling pressure from the baby every so often but going to the restroom relieves the feeling. It's not the same as my IC 'pressure'.Emotions this Week:Good! I've haven't been sleeping well lately so am feeling tired, otherwise I'm feeling more like myself emotionally. Additional Thoughts: The baby kicks are getting stronger and I'm now able to tell the difference between awake and rest time for her. Hubby was able to feel kicks this week too which was really exciting. He has been wonderfully supportive and interested in all of my IC/pregnancy experiences.
Week 21 - (Age of Fetus, 19 weeks) I had a little fainting spell while shopping this week. My OB appointment assured me that everything was okay and that I just need to eat smaller meals, more frequently.....or as my doctor put it..."You should be grazing all day long instead of eating 'meals'." I'm now picturing myself grazing in a field filled with cows. :O)Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, bloating, constipation, fatigue, 'growing pains', KICKS! IC Symptoms: I'm pretty certain that I'm not going into IC remission during my pregnancy like some do. I'm okay with that though. I can manage the symptoms I've got! Emotions this Week: I was a bit worried about the fainting spell but am feeling better now. I can't wait to hold our little baby! Additional Thoughts: Time seems to be going slowly and quickly at the same time. I feel like I've been pregnant for a long time already but on the other hand I don't feel like we have enough time left to prepare. I bet BOTH of those feelings will increase as time goes on.
Week 22 - (Age of Fetus, 20 weeks) As a 'first timer' I'm experiencing the baby's movements with such awe and amazement. Having other women explain the feeling to me...and actually feeling it are two different things completely. The first day I was noticing movement I as so excited I could barely wait to share the news with hubby. A week later the movements seemed so alien and filled me with body was no longer my own...the pregnancy was 'real'. Now I look forward to all of the little squirms and kicks (even on my bladder) and try to wake 'her' up when she's being quiet. AAahhhh.....the emotional rollercoaster we endure!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, 'growing pains', KICKS & Wiggles! IC Symptoms: I am now able to distinguish my IC frequency from 'baby on the bladder' frequency. When I'm being kicked or pushed by the baby I feel like I have to go right away but I get complete relief afterwards... unlike my IC. Once I determine it's the baby, I can jiggle myself around a little, do some pelvic tilts, and move her to another position. Whew! Emotions this Week: Good! I'm finding my up's and down's to be humorous this week. Additional Thoughts: I have been such a worrier throughout this pregnancy and have imagined the worst. I have worried about miscarriage, heartbeat issues, genetic defects, late miscarriage, pre-term name it!! I've said to myself, "Just get through the first trimester and you'll rest easier." *giggles* Yeah, right! The only time I'm really not going to worry about this pregnancy is after the baby arrives...of course I'll have buckets of new things to worry about then! "You
are more perfect
Week 23 - (Age of Fetus, 21 weeks) I'm almost 6 months now and although my belly is much bigger than it was, I think my pregnancy is just now becoming noticeable to strangers...especially when I'm wearing a maternity top! I've found that my husband's shirts work just as well as maternity and they feel less awkward and bulky to me. At 23 weeks our baby weighs about 1 pound.Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, 'growing pains', KICKS & wiggles! I have also developed another pregnancy symptom over the last few weeks. I have red spot on my hands and arms that the OB and dermatologist both say are pregnancy induced. They are actually broken or burst blood vessels and are nothing to worry about at all....they're just ugly. The dermatologist predicts they will fade away within a few months after delivery. IC Symptoms: Some burning and frequency this week. Drinking lots of water seems to help though. Emotions this Week: Worried....see below. Additional Thoughts: I had developed some slight pinkish spotting this week and panicked. I instantly envisioned a weak cervix or pre-term labor..(I told you I'm a worrier). I called my OB and she had me come into the office that day. She checked my cervix and all was good. No bleeding, no dilation, no contractions.....the baby's heartbeat was solid and my tummy is growing as it should. It may have been the result of a yeast infection I didn't know I had. I feel much better now! "Babies are such a nice way to start people." Week 24 - (Age of Fetus, 22 weeks) 24 weeks.....this is an important week for our baby. If she were born now, she would have a chance of surviving. I certainly want to keep her safe and warm in my belly for as long as possible but there is some comfort in knowing we've come so far.Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, backache, kicks and wiggles. IC Symptoms: My IC has been really quiet all week. I'm having bladder pressure and urgency but it's not from my IC, it's all baby! Emotions this Week: I'm excited that we're at 24 weeks now. Childbirth itself makes me a bit nervous but I've still got some time. Additional Thoughts: My rear end is growing bigger and bigger along with my tummy. I've gained a little less than 20 pounds so far but it feels like 40! I refuse to compare myself with other mommies who gained only 10-15 pounds throughout their pregnancies. Why put pressure on myself??
Week 25 - (Age of Fetus, 23 weeks) I should be signing up for childbirth classes soon but I've been hesitating. Before I was pregnant I was afraid to commit to anything because of my my IC, IBS and pregnancy symptoms limit my activities to work and home. I'll mention this to my OB at my next appointment and see what she suggests. I know that we would benefit from the classes, I just have to be able to get there!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, backache, kicks and wiggles. IC Symptoms: My IC is still pretty good! My IBS has been more of a discomfort so far. Emotions this Week: Great...I'm enjoying my belly this week! Additional Thoughts: My lower back aches quite a bit now. I seem to feel my best in the morning and as the day progresses, more stiff and achey. Hubby and I bought a glider chair this week as an early baby/mommy present. It's wonderful to rest in at the end of the day!
Week 26 - (Age of Fetus, 24 weeks) My goodness it's easy to gain weight during pregnancy! I think I'm averaging 2-3 pounds a week! Jeesh!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, backache, kicks and wiggles. IC Symptoms: I'm feeling ready to have this baby so I can start taking my IC meds again. It's not really that my IC has been unbearable, it's just tiresome. Emotions this Week: Excited to start setting up the nursery. We're almost ready! Additional Thoughts: With all the weight I gained so quickly, my body has been aching and sore. It's difficult for me to find a comfortable sleeping position so....I've ordered a body pillow. Maybe it will help? I sure hope so! |