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Pregnancy Journal
> Third Trimester Pregnancy & IC Diary -Third Trimester - to delivery |
Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles. IC Symptoms: I'm noticing more and more pressure on my bladder as the baby grows. It's not painful, it's just uncomfortable. Emotions this Week: I broke down in tears this week after dropping a .99 cent drinking glass on the floor. I'm not sure what that was about since I have no real attachment to that glass. I think it's awfully silly now! Maybe the baby really liked that glass? Additional Thoughts: Tooth crisis! I lost a filling and can't get anyone to fix it for me. I think it's the combination of my being pregnant and the fact that I need to take antibiotics before seeing the dentist for a heart murmur. Those two things seem to make everybody nervous so I've been told to wait it out if I can. Ouch! I'll try.
Week 28 - (Age of Fetus, 26 weeks) At 28 weeks our baby should be about 12-13" head to toe and a little over 2 pounds in weight. 'She' must be rolled up like a cinnamon bun in there because my belly doesn't seem big enough. Note: Weight gain thus far is a whopping 25 pounds!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, heartburn. IC Symptoms: I've had some burning and pressure but drinking water and resting seemed to help. I also ate a few Tums. Emotions this Week: Calm....relaxed. I'm feeling pretty good all around. Additional Thoughts: Tooth crisis resolved! I had my filling replaced! My tooth was just too sensitive for me to wait another 3 months so I begged to come in. All better now! I can't believe that I'm seven months already and I have to admit that the thought of being pregnant with IC once terrified me. I absolutely expected the worst.....horrible, unrelenting bladder pain and pressure, unable to get out of the bathroom forcing me to quit my job, having a mental breakdown as the nine months slowly dragged along. I know it seems excessive but for many of us, that scenario 'feels' within reach. My reality: My IC has been no worse than it was before and very manageable, I have only missed enough work to keep my OB appointments.....not one sick day so far, I HAVE felt emotionally unstable on some days but I guess that's the pregnancy...not because I'm suffering with unbearable IC. Has it been easy? No... Has it been tougher because of my IC? Yes... but I knew it might be...I knew that I wouldn't be able to compare my experiences with a non-IC'er. That's okay though....this is our dream come true.
Week 29 - (Age of Fetus, 27 weeks) Ahhhh....11 (+or-) weeks to go!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, heartburn, aching ribs, constipation. IC Symptoms: I'm noticing my bladder acting up a little more lately. I'm not eating or doing anything unusual....I think it's mostly from the weight of the baby. I'm trying to keep drinking that water! Emotions this Week: Calm....relaxed. I'm feeling pretty good all around. Additional Thoughts: My back and ribs have been aching so much that I thought I'd try a prenatal swimming class. I'm an IC'er who has no problem with the chemicals in pools so I'm not concerned about a flare up. I'm hoping the buoyancy of the water will ease my aches and pains and help me sleep better at night. The class is two nights a week and I can't wait to start!
Week 30 - (Age of Fetus, 28 weeks) I attended my first prenatal swimming class and I was wrong - the chemicals did give me urethral burning afterwards. The water and exercise felt great and swimming really relieved my belly weight for awhile. I think I'll try it again next week and see if the burning is just too much.Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, heartburn, aching ribs, constipation. IC Symptoms: The wicked 'ole constipation is back full force which directly affects my IC. It's hard enough to manage it all without being pregnant! It seems the prenatal vitamins and slower digestion are working against me. Emotions this Week: I've been thinking about labor it gets closer, I'm getting more nervous. Additional Thoughts: I had my baby shower this week and it was wonderful! What a joy it was to spend the afternoon with my family and friends...eating, opening gifts, getting lots of mommy advice.
Week 31 - (Age of Fetus, 29 weeks) My belly measured small at my prenatal appointment this week so I was sent for another Level 2 Ultrasound at the hospital. Expecting parents never want to hear anything other than perfect news about the we were very nervous that she wasn't growing well, or that something else was wrong. Turns out everything is okay! *deep breath* The position of the baby at the time of my appointment may have caused my tummy to measure small. She looked so beautiful on the ultrasound and I can't wait to hold her.Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, heartburn, aching ribs, constipation. IC Symptoms: Definite increase in IC symptoms. The baby is putting more pressure on my bladder, the kicks are beginning to hurt a little and I've had some urethral burning and urgency (could be from swimming). Emotions this Week: I'm getting emotionally tired and am feeling glad to be almost done....8 weeks is still a looooooooong way off though. Additional Thoughts: Can't seem to get rid of this darned yeast infection. From what I understand yeast loves pregnancy, so....I may not be able to eliminate it completely...just keep it in check. ICK! ...More Monistat, less carbohs, more yogurt!
Week 32 - (Age of Fetus, 30 weeks) 8 Months.......8 +or- weeks to go...I'm counting down now!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, aching ribs, constipation. IC Symptoms: IC is really getting to me now. All of my symptoms have increased and have held me hostage for a week or so. I know it's not the swimming (I haven't gone this week) and I haven't changed my diet. I'm waking up at night with urgency, pressure and burning as a reminder that my IC is still around. Ugh! Emotions this Week: I'm a bit crabby...tired...frustrated...uncomfortable... Additional Thoughts: I have my next OB appointment in a couple of days and will see if my belly is growing.....and to talk more about my IC. I know my doctor can't really help me with my symptoms but I feel better just knowing she 'hears' me.
Week 33 - (Age of Fetus, 31 weeks) My belly is sure feeling stretched and full! Everyone around me comments on how small my tummy is but I still find myself waddling when I walk. Instead of bending over to tie my shoes, I have to bring my feet 'up' to reach them. I also can't bound out of bed when IC calls like I used's more like a slow roll, waddle and prayer that I make it on time.Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, aching ribs. IC Symptoms: My IC 'flare' is still around and is enhanced by sudden punches to my bladder. Although my symptoms are strong, I am finding that I can relieve them a bit by resting on my side. Emotions this Week: I'm a bit crabby...tired...frustrated...uncomfortable... Additional Thoughts: I am so grateful for all of the support and encouragement I am receiving from the IC Network. These last few weeks have been tough and being able to reach out to other IC'ers makes such a difference for me. I don't have to try and explain my symptoms...everyone at ICN understands.
Week 34 - (Age of Fetus, 32 weeks) At 34 weeks our baby is about 5 - 5 1/2 pounds and according to my OB, could do quite well if she were born now. The closer I get to delivery, the more I worry about the baby's health and of course, how well my bladder will do. I haven't completed my birth plan for the hospital yet but I hope to do that this week. My OB doesn't think I need to note my IC in the birth plan (since it's in my file) but I won't feel comfortable if I don't. An IV, catheter, meds and food can all inflame my bladder and I may not be able to remind my caregivers while I'm in labor. Too bad my urologist won't be there too!Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, aching ribs, constipation, back aches. IC Symptoms: I am finally getting a break from my IC symptoms. I was beginning to think that I was stuck with the pain and urgency for the rest of my pregnancy but I think it was just a long, tough flare. I am sooo thankful. Emotions this Week: I'm tired...anxious...and elated that I'm getting closer to holding this baby in my arms. Additional Thoughts: I am still working full time but am trying to prepare my office for my leave. My goal is to NOT work the last two weeks before my due date. I know that with pregnancy, there are no solid plans....but it doesn't hurt to shoot for something!
Week 35 - (Age of Fetus, 33 weeks) I had no idea I was having Braxton Hicks contractions until I mentioned a 'tightening' feeling I was having (in my belly) to my OB. They aren't just feels like the baby is stretching out. :O)Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, aching ribs, diarrhea, back aches, Braxton Hicks contractions. IC Symptoms: My IC symptoms are there, but easy to handle. I still have lots of frequency but I'm sure it's more from the pressure of the baby than IC. Emotions this Week: I'm exhausted!!!! Additional Thoughts: I am really feeling like the baby and I have gone through a growth spurt this week. I'm extra sore and tired and stretched out feeling.
Week 36 - (Age of Fetus, 34 weeks) I've made it to the 36 week and I'm soooo happy!!! I worried quite a bit about premature labor and we're so close now that I can let that go. I have enough to worry about without that!! HehePregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, aching ribs, diarrhea, back aches, Braxton Hicks contractions. IC Symptoms: Again, my IC symptoms are easy to mild. Not a problem at all!! Actually this persistent diarrhea is bothering me more. My OB says that's quite common for this stage of pregnancy. Emotions this Week: I think I'm getting a bit crabby. I'm tired of being pregnant and am dreaming more and more about having this baby to hold in my arms, not my belly. Additional Thoughts: Okay.....part of me wants to stay pregnant out of fear of delivery and part of me wants to just get it over with. I bounce back and forth between the two all day long. I would think I'm not the only pregnant gal to deal with those emotions!!
Week 37 - (Age of Fetus, 35 weeks) We're having an incredible heat wave (mid 80's to mid 90's) and it's wearing me down quickly. I find myself melting when it's only in the 70's, let alone the 90's!! I'm becoming more and more uncomfortable each day.Pregnancy Symptoms: Belling is growing, fatigue, body aches, kicks and wiggles, aching ribs, diarrhea, back aches, Braxton Hicks contractions. IC Symptoms: Lots of frequency and a little bit of burning. I think it may be because of the heat.....drinking more water seems to help. Emotions this Week: Nervous, excited, worried, anxious, crabby......and just about every other emotion possible. Additional Thoughts: Just three weeks to go until my due date but my OB thinks I might not make it that far. The baby is already sitting very low, my Braxton Hicks contractions are frequent and I'm displaying signs that the baby is 'getting ready'. I realize that there is no way to know for sure and I could even go past my due date but it's a nice idea to think she might be here early. I have not been checked for cervix dialation yet but probably will be next week. I'm seeing my OB once a week now until delivery. I'm feeling soooooo ready to have this baby!!! I'll post my birth plan next week. Week 39 - (Age of Fetus, 37 weeks) I was excited for my OB appointment this week hoping that I would be even more dilated. Nope! I'm now 75% effaced and fingertip dilated. Not much change at all.Pregnancy Symptoms: Body aches and belly pressure, back ache, Braxton Hicks contractions, exhaustion. IC Symptoms: Baby has dropped and is really pushing on my bladder. Ugh! Emotions this Week: I'm frustrated with being pregnant. I can't wait to sleep on my tummy again....and to bend over easily to tie my shoes. Additional Thoughts: My mom is here!!! She will be staying with us for 3 weeks for the birth and to help afterwards. Both Hubby and I are really glad to have her here. She's already been huge help with making dinners and arranging baby stuff.
Week 40 - (Age of Fetus, 38 weeks) Today is my due date and so far....nothing is happening. Again, my appointment with the OB showed no change in dilation. Part of me fears I'll go past due and the other part of me fears I won't. I assume this is common with all first time moms. Sometimes I wish I could just have Federal Express deliver this baby.....the driver could show up at my front door, hand me a paper to sign and say, "Here's that baby you ordered!".Pregnancy Symptoms: Body aches and belly pressure, back ache, Braxton Hicks contractions, exhaustion IC Symptoms: Standing up and walking around makes me feel like I have to pee RIGHT NOW.....even if I just went. If I could get someone to turn off the gravity for awhile I would be okay. Emotions this Week: Oh my goodness!! I want to have this baby today.....and....I don't want to have this baby today. Additional Thoughts: Being pregnant has been somewhat surreal for me. I KNOW that at the end of these long nine months a baby will arrive but I'm not sure the reality of it has hit me yet. What a strange and wonderful experience this has been. |