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The Most Popular Sections Of Our Site
Searching for Information on Interstitial Cystitis can be overwhelming. Our website offers the best information that we can find on IC and, overtime, it's grown to a huge size.
If you are a newly diagnosed patient, our What is IC & treatment sections are great places to start. It contains information on diagnosis, symptoms, treatments and so much more! If you're looking for our older IC Patient Handbook, you'll find it here!
If you are interested in reading how other physicians and medical centers treat IC, the ICN Guest Lecture Transcripts are a gold mine of information.
Looking for a support group, check out our Support Center for a current list of support groups!
Want to buy a book on IC? Find books and many more resources in the ICN Mail Order Division or click on the links to to the right of page.
The ICN Site Map is also a great way to navigate our site and find information.