Every September, the IC community rallies together during IC Awareness Month to educate, empower and support the many patients who have suffered in silence at home alone. This year, we hope to reach patients who are struggling with treatment and/or not responding to typical bladder therapies. Why? Because IC symptoms are often the result of neuromuscular problems, instead. 

Spread the word through social networking
Share your story, your struggles and your successes every day through your favorite social networking channels. You can also share our the IC Daily Fact from the IC Awareness Month website.

Send out our press release To Your Local Paper
Our 2024 press release explains why bladder treatments often fail and explains the three distinct patient groups now identified in the IC patient population, as well as their unique treatment strategies. Send our press release to your local and regional paper. Ask if they would do a story about IC and/or IC Awareness Month. The press love personal, local stories. 

Educate your doctors
Bring IC Awareness materials and a poster to each of your physicians and nursing staff to place in their offices and waiting rooms. Share the latest IC articles with your physicians. We have a variety of free handouts on the IC Awareness website! 

Make A Poster
Bring out your inner artist and create a poster for IC Awareness Month sharing your story with IC. Light or dark, floral or portrait, encouraging & hopeful or a message about how IC has changed your life, every patient poster tells an important story that helps spread the word about IC. We welcome all mediums, electronic or in print. All ages are welcome! All posters will be added to our website,

#1 – It must say IC Awareness Month and include the URL: icawareness.org
 #2 – It must fit on an 8.5 by 11” piece of paper 

Entries by September 30, 2024 to icnetwork@mac.com or can be mailed to: IC Network, 5636 Del Monte Court, Santa Rosa CA 95409 

Make A Meme
Funny, irreverent, witty, bold and often ridiculous, meme’s make a statement. A funny or shocking meme can be shared thousands of times across the internet where they could inspire patients to actually google IC. Memes are easy to make! Just go to: someecards.com, pick your image and play! Share your meme on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and anywhere else you frequent. Also e-mail it to memes@icawareness.org. 

Make a donation
Make a donation directly to the IC Network to help us continue this work.