The IC Optimist is the ICN’s quarterly patient and professional magazine dedicated to all things IC and pelvic pain. Subscriptions are available for just $25 per year via email of $50 per year to have a printed copy mailed to you. This issue is also available for single purchase (print or electronic pdf.) Proceeds are used to underwrite our website and IC support services.
(1) Guest Editorial: Have You Been Punished For Using The Restroom at Work? – It’s 2014 and some employers are still punishing employees who need restroom access. I discuss two new cases this Spring, review the actual law and share several IC patient stories.
(2) Related Conditions: IC & TMJ – Many find it baffling that this common jaw disorder is one of the most strongly related conditions to IC. Stacey Shannon offers an in-depth review of TMJ and shares several patient stories.
(3) Inside AUA 2014 – The annual American Urological Association annual meeting is the highlight of the IC research community and this year, several promising studies were released that reveal more about IC, two possible subsets of IC and new, potential therapies.
(4) 2014 IC/BPS Fact Sheets – This summer, we completely revamped our IC fact sheets that are distributed by doctors throughout the country. We including copies for your use that you can also photocopy and share with other medical professionals and/or family members.
(5) Medicare or Medicareless – If you’re receiving federal retirement or disability social security benefits, you’ve probably noticed some big changes in your Medicare coverage in the last year. We share what’s happening to patients, how the Medicare system is changing and how cash and carry clinics may be the most affordable option of all.
(6) Ten Money Saving Tips For IC/BPS Treatments & Drugs – Almost every patient is looking for ways to reduce their out of pocket costs and we share our best tips here on how to stretch your dollar.
(7) Athletics & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction – New research shows a clear connection between athletics, pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic pain disorders. We offer five tips to help you maintain good pelvic floor health and function.
(8) Book Review: The Proactive Patient – Managing IC/BPS and Related Conditions – We give a glowing review to the latest book on IC/BPS written by Gaye & Andrew Sandler. This comprehensive resource guide is a must read for every patient.
(9) The IC Diet Project: Savor the Last Days of Summer with Some Great Grilling – Julie Beyer RD offers some great, bladder friendly grilling ideas and recipes.
(10) Your IC Awareness Month Kit – September is IC Awareness Month and we’ve included, yet again, another kit that you can use to raise knowledge and build compassion for IC in your community including a press release, sample proclamation, poster and fact sheet!
Pages: 36
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