Are you seeking information about IC? Looking to talk with a seasoned professional? The Interstitial Cystitis Network offers one on one coaching sessions for those who would like personal coaching. As educators, our goal is to help you become strong, educated, informed and able to walk into any doctors office to advocate for your medical care. We can help you understand how diagnostic tests are used, what treatment options are available, flare management and prevention strategies, the IC diet, intimacy, workplace issues, pain management and more. We are happy to take your questions, help you prepare for medical appointments and talk with family members. Coaching is available by phone or skype.
We have three professional coaches available:
Jill Osborne MA – Jill is the Founder and President of the Interstitial Cystitis Network. An IC patient and IC support group leader for the past 25 years, she knows, first hand, the typical struggles that a newly diagnosed and veteran patients struggle with. In addition to her groundbreaking video series and live support group meetings on YouTube, she has appeared on both national and regional TV and radio shows representing the IC community. She is the author of My Mom Has Interstitial Cystitis – A Painful Bladder Story, the IC Chef Cookbook, has served as co-author of several medical journal articles on IC and, of course, is the editor and publisher of the IC Network and IC Optimist magazine. For a decade, Jill has also served as the patient representative on the US Army CDMRP IC research panel rating new studies for federal funding. Jill has a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacology, a Master’s in Psychology where she also earned a Presidential Fellowship (1988). She is happy to take questions on the diagnosis of IC, current treatments options, how to work with your care providers, preventing flares, managing pain, relationships, family struggles and intimacy. She has a special interest in working men struggling with IC, patients struggling with family members and working with the parents of children with IC. $100 for 60 minutes. Learn more and/or sign up here!
Julie Beyer RD – Julie Beyer RD is a trailblazer in the IC movement. She was the first registered dietitian to explore, indepth, the role of diet and IC. A patient herself, she frequently speaks at patient events and at medical conferences around the USA about the role of diet modification for patients struggling with bladder disorders. She is the author of two popular IC and diet books Confident Choices: A Cookbook for IC and OAB and Confident Choices: Customizing the IC Diet that are ideal for patients who want a simple, clear presentation of the IC diet. If you’re worried about whether you’re eating a balanced diet, her reading materials are ideal. Her latest project is a new book for dietitians Interstitial Cystitis: A Guide For Nutrition Educators. Julie is happy to work with you one on one at your convenience, either by phone or within the class room. Learn more and/or sign up here!
Heather Howard MBA PhD – Are you struggling sexual concerns and intimacy? Do you have a medical condition has affected your sex life or limited your sexual options. Heather Howard, founder of The Center for Sexual Health and Rehabilitation, is a sexologist who provides sex education, sex counseling and workshops for individuals, couples, groups, therapists and health care professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area and in the global community. Heather S. Howard, MBA, PhD, ACS is a board certified clinical sexologist in private practice and an associate professor of clinical sexology at The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (IASHS) in San Francisco. She is also a workshop facilitator, researcher, speaker and consultant on women’s sexuality, and a designer of pleasure tools and devices. She received her BA from the University of California at Berkeley (1993), her MBA from New York Universitys Stern School of Business (1995), and her PhD in human sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (IASHS) (2008). She also earned certificates in sex education and clinical sexology from IASHS and is board certified by the American College of Sexologists (ACS). Learn more and/or sign up here!
Disclaimer: ICN coaching sessions are for informational purposes only. They do NOT provide personal medical advice, nor are they intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, care or counseling services. Reliance on any information provided by IC Network or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. IC Network assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials, classes or coaching provided to you.